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Red Poll Cattle

If you are interested in buying some beef


please contact

Rebecca or Richard

on 01453 766191



If you would like to be put on to a mailing list for future beef sales please let us have contact details, either phone or email and we can let you know when the next one will be ready.

The Red Poll Cow is one of the traditional native British dual purpose breeds (beef & milk). It is naturally polled (hornless)  and produces easy calving docile cows, that are excellent mothers. They are well-adapted to life in our lush green countryside and ideal for grazing land managed to conserve wildlife habitats and encourage biodiversity.


Red Poll cattle are protected and promoted by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust ( Eating rare breed beef helps to ensure the survival of the breed. This may seem a contradiction but providing a market for the beef also provides the farmer with the incentive to breed more cattle. We are passionate about our animals and maintain a  high standards of animal welfare. Our cattle are transported by us, directly to the abattoir, typically, the animals are moved from the field to the abattoir within 2hrs.


Traditional British breeds of cattle, like the Red Poll, thrive in non-intensive, low input, with a simple grass diet, fattening with no additional grain feed. We believe this natural farming system produces outstanding quality meat. Meat from our native, grass fed cattle typically has higher levels of polyunsaturated, omega-3 fats than the more intensively reared, grain fed continental breeds. It also tastes exceedingly good with a rich, full flavour.


Red Poll beef is noted for: - exceptional tenderness - good marbling - fine grain - succulent texture - full flavour.


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Red Poll Cattle Society

Southern Region winners 2014, 2015, 2016, 2022

National Small herd winners of best Red Poll Herd 2015


Taste Of Gloucestershire finalists for best farmer 2016


National Trust Fine Farm Produce Award for the beef 2015 and 2016

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